Bullish Engulfing
Bearish Abandoned Baby | Bearish Engulfing | Bearish Kicking | Bullish Abandoned Baby | Bullish Engulfing | Bullish Kicking | Dark Cloud Cover | Evening Doji Star | Evening Star | Falling Three Methods | Identical Three Crows | Morning Doji Star | Morning Star | Rising Three Methods | Three Black Crows | Three Inside Down | Three Inside Up | Three Outside Down | Three Outside Up | Three White Soldiers |

Reliability: moderate
A black day is completely “engulfed” by a large white day that gaps below the black day’s low and rallies to close above its high.
In a downtrend or within a pullback of an uptrend, the gap down may be the blow out that causes the bulls to throw in the towel. When selling abates, bottom fishers and shorts rally the stock to close above the previous day’s high. The bullish Engulfing pattern is very common…literally dozens occur every day and many are just incidental. Watch volume for confirmation.
The bullish Engulfing is similar to the bullish Piercing Line and could be the first two days of the bullish Three Outside Up.